Religion(s) Vs Spirituality - Duality Vs Singularity........


'Religion' requires one or more God for its existence. Since religion is based on the belief that there is God who creates, provides sustenance to these creatures for a designated time period and then destorys these creatures, the creatures are strongly advised to fear this God, worship It and pray to It either to thank for the sustenance or to ask for more of it or for both. The worship and prayer involves rituals depending on which religion the creature belongs to or follows & practices. This Creator/God and creatures relationship is called 'duality' since there are two entities: God/Creator & creatures. 

'Spirituality' on the other hand, irrespective of the religion, is beyond religion and its believes and focused on helping creatures to overcome this belief in 'duality' and realize 'singularity - there is only God and nothing else; all that is existing or appearing to be existing are nothing but God or God's'. 

Most of us tend to think that religion and spirituality are synonyms. It is because we have been misguided and victimized to think that way so that we may never ever attempt to know the difference between them and awaken. Religions, religious leaders and the so called 'spiritual' leaders who promote religion in the name of spirituality want us to dwell into duality and remain there forever so that they can have absolute control over us. Since it is difficult or merely impossible for most of us due to our sense of ego or sense of "I" to accept the fact that we do not exist as a spearate entity from God, we find comfort and solace in duality and as they expect dwell deep into it and reamin in the abyss forever. 

Now...the most important question: What is wrong with duality and/or religion? 

At the outset, it appears that there is nothing wrong in the beleif system that there is God - our Creator and we need to thank Him/Her/It for having created us and for having given us this life and pray to him for all our needs. But, the devil is in the detail. When we dig deeper, we shall realize that 'duality and/or religion' is not only wrong but is entirely harmful. 


                                                            To be continued......


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